Copyright - FeminineMuse ©

Please note that these eBooks are for personal use only and may not be resold or redistributed without explicit permission from FeminineMuse. Unauthorized distribution or commercial use of these eBooks is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

Copyright Policy
This product is protected under the Copyright Act 1968. Each product offered by FeminineMuse© is meticulously crafted and embedded with a unique code to track any attempt at duplication and redistribution.

Strict Enforcement:
Any form of duplication, reproduction, or redistribution of our products, whether in whole or in part, for any purpose whatsoever, is strictly forbidden and will be met with immediate legal action. We reserve the right to pursue all available legal remedies against individuals or entities found to be in violation of our copyright.

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All purchases made through FeminineMuse© are final and non-refundable. We uphold a strict no-refund policy for all our products. By completing a purchase, you acknowledge and agree to abide by this policy.

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